The Two of Us
Syazwina Athilah


People are asleep as long as they are alive, they are awakened when they die.

Journal Windy Hello

Role as them.


The Prophet sal Allahu alaiyhi wa sallam said, “I guarantee a house in Jannah for one who gives up arguing, even if he is in the right; and I guarantee a home in the middle of Jannah for one who abandons lying even for the sake of fun; and I guarantee a house in the highest part of Jannah for one who has good manners.”

Gratisan Musik

Music Graphics

Goodbye science.

Assalamualaikum. Hai hai. Tadi dekat sekolah, mood saya dah hilang kemana entah. Dahlah exam science tadi susah. Paper 2 lebih senang jika dibandingkan dengan papaer 1 T_T Nasiblah exam agama tadi senang. Semua dah ingat dekat kepala ni *kepala adudu*. Serious ni, lepastu ada orang buat hal pulak dah. Rasa nak bertukar jadi macam "BOBOIBOY KUASA TIGA" pun ada =,= Erkk! Tapi nasiblah balik rumah je tengok dah ada KFC. Muahahahaha! Chicken was waiting for me to eat them. Wahhh! Mood pun terus baik. Sedap tau ayam goreng tu *saya makan yang paling besar*. Bak kata Adi "recharge". Sebab mood boleh datang balik lepas makan ayam. Hahaha. Pun boleh lah~

Ohya. Semalam saya inbox Nad unnie. Muehehe =D Unnie reply tau. Sepatutnya saya inbox dia lagi harini. Tapi saya takut ganggu dia pula sebab dia pun tengah musim exam ni. Tapi takpelah. Lepas exam saya inbox dia sampai habis kredit. Hahaha. Boleh kan? *cakap boleh* xp

Ya Allah. Esok exam SENI! Hoorayyyy! Subjek paling saya suka seumur hidup saya! Yeahh (Y)
Okay. Lebih baik tidur sekarang. Nanti susah nak bangun solat subuh. Muehehe. Assalamualaikum =3
