The Two of Us
Syazwina Athilah


People are asleep as long as they are alive, they are awakened when they die.

Journal Windy Hello

Role as them.


The Prophet sal Allahu alaiyhi wa sallam said, “I guarantee a house in Jannah for one who gives up arguing, even if he is in the right; and I guarantee a home in the middle of Jannah for one who abandons lying even for the sake of fun; and I guarantee a house in the highest part of Jannah for one who has good manners.”

Gratisan Musik

Music Graphics

Hyper excited.

Assalamualaikum. Now is 3:33 p.m. Saya ponteng sekolah harini. Pemalas lah katakan. Haha dorang yang lain pun tak datang. Sebab nanti kalau datang pun cuma dua jam dekat sekolah. Siapa sanggup nak gosok baju sekolah and kotorkan kasut selama dua jam. Kankan? Well now I'm so excited to go for Tadarus Al-Quran. Weeheee ^^ This is the first time I'm wearing jubah in front of my my friends. Haha lol. I know that they will laugh at me. Who cares what important is I can perform my terawih with my friends. Yeah yeah.

But wait. Harini dekat sekolah belajar Seni tak? Aduh. Nak dapat kertas Seni *crying*. Damn takpelah. Minggu depan kita cari cikgu and minta paper. Boleh kan? *angkat kening*. Erm tadi saya google-ing and youtube-ing. Then tengok video Fahmi from Akademi Al-Quran. Wahhh. I miss him. Selawat untuk OST drama Baitul Rahmat. Nak dengar? Tekan lah link dekat sini. InsyaAllah mesti rasa bahagia mendengarnya.

Okay okay. You know, my new favourite show is Dikir Zikir. Woah best tau. Lagu lagu dia pun best. Selawat dia pun best. Kumpulan Unic yang nyanyi. Serious besttt *nak jerit*. Nak dengar tak? Buka lah dekat bawah ni. Ada macam-macam boleh pilih.

+ Dikir Zikir Unic__Alangkah Indahnya Hidup Ini
+ Dikir Zikir Unic__Ummi
