The Two of Us
Syazwina Athilah


People are asleep as long as they are alive, they are awakened when they die.

Journal Windy Hello

Role as them.


The Prophet sal Allahu alaiyhi wa sallam said, “I guarantee a house in Jannah for one who gives up arguing, even if he is in the right; and I guarantee a home in the middle of Jannah for one who abandons lying even for the sake of fun; and I guarantee a house in the highest part of Jannah for one who has good manners.”

Gratisan Musik

Music Graphics

Merdeka Raya!

Bismillahirrahmanirrahim. Assalamualaikum. Harini 31st August 2012. 
Ohya harini penat sangat. Lepas pergi rumah opah then terus pergi rumah Azri dengan Sarah, Syazliana and Hanna. Faris pun ada tapi datang lambat. Haha. Then balik jalan kaki pergi rumah Cik Ani *jiran*. Kyaaaaaaaaa! *style onew penat*. Penatnya mengalahkan masuk Running Man. Ahahaha tak ada lah sampai macam tu.

Ohya tadi saya scroll facebook sebab bosan -__- Weheee. SHINee dah release teaser Dazzling Girl. Ahaks. Suara onew hihi. Comelnya. Saya suka onew sejak darjah enam sampai sekarang. Haa cuba kira dah berapa tahun. Nak masuk tiga tahun dah kan? Hihi. *troll face*.

Actually esok ada open house rumah Izzah. Aigoo. Memang nak pergi kalau boleh. Tapi jadual penuh. Warghh! Ada open house banyak tempat. -___- Huaaaa nak pergi rumah Izzah. Kena bincang balik dengan mak and abah before tomorrow. Kalau tak mesti kelam kabut.

Okay okay got to now. Nak tengok movie. Weeheee ^^ Assalamualaikum. 
